Care for a story? While I won't delve into the nitty-gritty details of my challenges navigating the dependent visa labyrinth or enduring the ongoing wait for a work permit, let me offer you a glimpse into my journey.

On the 16th of March, 2023, I landed in the Bay Area, ready to embark on a new chapter as a newlywed, beginning life with my husband in a foreign land. San Francisco felt unfamiliar, and the distinctiveness of its people intensified the longing for my home.

Much like the opening scenes of a classic movie, my journey unfolded with challenges, patiently waiting for that pivotal moment when I could grasp my work permit, step out, and embark on the next chapter. Amidst the waiting, there were bitter moments where the world I meticulously built seemed to crumble. Yet, alongside the emotional challenges, my husband and I not only endured but thrived, growing stronger together.

Encountering kindred spirits facing similar struggles during my stay, the idea of InDependent was born—a community for those navigating the waiting game for work permits, enduring lengthy processes, or figuring out their next steps, be it professionally or in pursuit of their educational goals.

InDependent isn't just my story; it's a collective narrative shaped by each of you. Whether you've just arrived and are navigating your next steps, awaiting your work permit, or have recently received it and are exploring the job market, preparing for college applications, or finding yourself overwhelmed while figuring out your path, we want you to know that you're not alone. We thrive on providing each other with strength and guidance. For those with work permits, those currently working, or those pursuing their desired degrees/diplomas, InDependent transforms into a support network and a platform where you can inspire and assist others, as well as seek guidance and support from your peers.

Are you ready to join forces with me? Let's embark on the journey to become InDependent—where our shared narratives evolve, and resilience becomes our common thread.

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